Wednesday 16 November 2011

Tim Burton: He had to link some how!!

Okay so as most people are now aware I do have a slight obsession with the man himself Tim Burton, not that anybody should be surprised because his work is incredible and his animation stuff is fascinating! I have been studying his work, and come across his love for Stop Motion. From a young age Tim had this desire to animate his powerful imagination, but was never really a fan of digital animation. So he decided to play around with the art of Stop Motion, and it was then he really developed his passion and niche for it. He began creating shorts using claymation as the focus and whilst at disney in 1982 he made the short Vincent-based on the actor Vincent Price (whom Burton very much looked up to whilst growing up.)

Although after that Tim Burton never really got to do any more stop motion, as he focused on directing films such as Batman and Beetlejuice it was always on the back burner. Behind the scenes he was constantly writing The Nightmare Before Christmas, which in 1993 was turned into an amazing stop motion film. 

After that Burton continued to draw however it never came around again that he was able to create, or get a budget, to do another. However 12years down the line Burton releases The Corpse Bride (2005) which  is a movie of many firsts; it’s the first feature-length, stop-motion film edited using Apple Final Cut Pro, it’s the first feature shot using commercial digital SLR still photography cameras and it’s the first film to choose digital cameras over film cameras based on the image quality.

I swear though if you share the same love for Tim Burton as I do, and think the idea of Stop Motion is pretty awesome check out this link, its an article talking about how they made The Corpse Bride:

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